Most professional Egyptologists have a PhD in Egyptology. Doctoral students in Egyptology study both Egyptian material culture and Egyptian language, and many have the opportunity to participate in fieldwork during their studies. A number of US universities offer a PhD in Egyptology, including the University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Berkeley; University of Chicago; University of Michigan; Brown University; Yale University; New York University?s Institute of Fine Arts; University of Pennsylvania; Johns Hopkins University; Emory University; and University of Memphis.

Studying to become an Egyptologist requires training in not just Egyptian history, culture, language, religion, and art, but also in French and German, the primary languages (in addition to English) for academic publications since the 19th century. Egyptology students planning to work in Egypt may also wish to learn Arabic, either Modern Standard Arabic or Egyptian Arabic.

Overview of Egyptology
  Conservation of Artifacts, Monuments and Mummies
  Experimental Archaeology
  Museum Curation
  Underwater Archaeology
The Ancient Egyptian Language: Not Just Hieroglyphs
Becoming an Egyptologist

Those specializing in the later periods of ancient Egyptian history (the Greek and Roman periods) may wish to learn Greek. Learning Sumerian, Akkadian, Hebrew, Aramaic, Ugaritic, or Old Persian are excellent ways to explore interactions and interconnections between ancient Egyptians and their neighbors. The time to complete a doctorate in Egyptology varies by student and institution, but 7-10 years of study beyond the Bachelor?s degree is typical.


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